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SAST through Github Action


This section aims to perform SAST for angular-realworld-example-app and generate a report to provide a solution to the first point of the problem statement under Task 1.


Static analysis or Static application security testing (SAST), is a testing methodology that analyzes source code to find security vulnerabilities that make organization’s applications susceptible to attack. SAST scans an application before the code is compiled. It’s also known as white box testing. SAST takes place very early in the software development life cycle (SDLC) as it does not require a working application and can take place without code being executed. It helps in identifying vulnerabilities in the initial stages of development and quickly resolve issues without breaking builds or passing on vulnerabilities to the final release of the application.

Github Action

GitHub Actions make it easy to automate all software workflows. Github Actions let us build, test, and deploy our code right from GitHub. We can also assign code reviews, manage branches, and triage issues the way we want with actions. GitHub Actions are designed to help in building robust and dynamic automation's.

Whether we want to build a container, deploy a web service, or automate welcoming a new user to our open-source project — there’s an automated action for that.

Creating Workflow

I followed this official link for creating the first workflow.

  • On GitHub, I forked angular-realworld-example-app and I created a new file in the .github/workflows

  • I wrote the YAML contents into the sast-scan.yml file. For knowing the syntax of Github action I followed this official link

  • I also stored the report as sast report in artifacts from where it can be downloaded

  • The YAML file for SAST scan is as follows:
name: "sast-scan"

    branches: [master]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest


    - uses: actions/checkout@v2

    - name: install dependencies
      run: | 
       sudo apt install npm
       sudo npm install --package-lock
       npm audit fix

    - name: OWASP Dependency Check
      run: |

    - name: Run scan with ODC
      run: |
        dependency-check/bin/ --project "angular-realworld-example-app" --scan . > ODC-report

    - name: Archive production artifacts
      uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
        name: sast report
        path: |
  • To run workflow, I scrolled to the bottom of the page and select Commit directly to the main branch. Then, to create a pull request, click Propose new file. Committing the workflow file in repository triggers the push event and runs workflow.
  • The report that got generated is here

Viewing workflow results

  1. On GitHub, I navigated to the main page of the repository.
  2. Under repository name, click Actions.
  3. In the left sidebar, select the workflow to see under All Workflows section. From the list of workflow runs, I selected the name sast-scan of the run to see.
  4. In the left sidebar, I selected test and I can also check the sast-scan.yml by selecting Workflow file.

  5. Expand the test to view the results and each step expanded further to see the logs.